The New Arcadian Press
~ Publishes the New Arcadian Journal.
~ Published the 70 New Arcadian Broadsheets that accompanied the NAJs, 1981 – 2011.
~ Produced, between 1981 and 1986, many other publications; notably small books, cards, prints, posters and ephemera (some post 1986).
The New Arcadian Journal
~ The New Arcadian Journal is the unique, limited edition, fine press book that, within each unfussy design, contains a treasury of drawing.
~ The New Arcadian Journal investigates the cultural politics of historical landscapes by scrutinising their architecture, gardens, monuments, sculpture and inscriptions.
~ By championing the study of political gardening and by promoting restoration of place and meaning, the New Arcadian Journal has shed new light on historical landscapes and has also been the catalyst to contemporary re-interpretation and conservation.
~ The New Arcadian Journal also explores the modern gardening of Derek Jarman, James Pierce, and, especially, Ian Hamilton Finlay at Little Sparta and elsewhere.
~ From time to time the New Arcadian Journal celebrates the poetics of ‘place’ and the breezy terrain of the upland walker.
~ Published since 1981, ISSN 0262‑558X, each A5 book (portrait format) is an edition of 300, unless otherwise stated on title page.
~ The New Arcadian Journal was initially titled New Arcadians (1981-1983), then New Arcadians’ Journal (1984-1986) and, from 1987, the New Arcadian Journal. First a quarterly (1981‑1986), then a bi‑annual (1987), the NAJ became an annual in 1988, and from 1990 to 2011 each edition was an annual double‑issue. Since 2014 the NAJ has been an occasional periodical.
The New Arcadian Broadsheets
~ The New Arcadian Broadsheets were published as numbered companions to the NAJ. All seventy NABs were published as serial pages of a Book-in-Progress. They comprise pithy comments on the cultural and political environment, and are commemorative, lyric, satirical or polemic.
~ Published from 1981 to 2011 and overprinted onto A4 letterhead paper. The pressmark, by Chris Broughton (NAB 35 onwards, and on every website page), integrates the creative and bucolic spirit of the New Arcadian Press. Ian Gardner drew the earlier pressmark (NAB 21-34) as well as the initial motif for the letterheads (NAB 1-20).
~ The final NAJ will reproduce and catalogue all seventy broadsheets, thus completing the Book-in-Progress.