The Grenville Landscape of Wotton House

The Grenville Landscape of Wotton House


NAJ 65/66 (2009). A5 book, 140 pp., 90 illustrations

The proceedings of the 2009 conference at Wotton House, which focused on the design and symbolism created by William Pitt and Capability Brown c.1755–c.1775. Wotton was the ‘private’ landscape of the Grenvilles that complemented the family’s overtly public display of mansion and landscape garden at Stowe. As a triumph of water engineering by ‘Capability’ Brown, Wotton was elevated to Grade I by Historic England in 2016

For details see the Description below




  • ~ Catherine AldredChris Broughton (plus Cover), Sarah CouchHoward EaglestoneAndrew NaylorJohn Phibbs; also includes the estate map of c.1767


  • David Gladstone. Preface.
  • Patrick Eyres. Introduction.
  • Michael Symes. The Web of Wotton House: Cubs, Connections and Counterpoint.
  • Michael Bevington. Familial and Architectural Links with Stowe.
  • Richard Wheeler. Gardening and Grenvilles: The Brownian Context of Wotton.
  • John Phibbs. One Thing About The ‘Turk’.
  • Steffie Shields. A Profusion of Water.
  • Sarah Couch. Trees in a Landscape: The Avenues at Wotton House.
  • Michael Cousins. A Maturing Landscape: Wotton in 1797.
  • Kate Felus. Using the Pleasure Grounds: their Social History.
  • Patrick Eyres. Victory and Empire: The Wotton landscape in relation to the contemporary iconographies of Stowe and Kew.