The Atlantic Wall – PDF

The Atlantic Wall – PDF


NAJ 14 (1984). A5 book, 28 pp. 19 illustrations

Two Picturesque Tours occasioned by the 40th anniversary of the D‑Day Landings in Normandy, one by Ian Hamilton Finlay

For details, see Description below

AVAILABLE as a PDF – £10.oo . Order as usual and the PDF will be despatched to your email address (no mailing charge)

NB. The hard copy NAJ is out of print



Ian Gardner (plus Cover), Grahame JonesJohn Tetley


Patrick Eyres. Dedication
Ian Hamilton Finlay (with Ian Gardner). The Atlantic Wall (William Gilpin annotated), composed for this NAJ
Patrick Eyres (with Grahame Jones). A Normandy Tour (after Ruge, Rommel’s naval aide)